Artem Khvostyk

Magic Project Manager

A simple project management tool to create boards, add tasks, and track progress.


  • React
  • Next.js
  • Storybook



As part of React course, I developed Magic Project Manager, a task management application inspired by tools like Trello.


Magic Project Manager is a web application designed to help users organize their projects and tasks. It includes all the core features of a task management tool.

Boards, Columns, and Tasks

Users can create boards for their projects, add columns to represent stages (like "To Do" or "In Progress"), and break down work into tasks.

Board page

Drag-and-Drop Functionality

Tasks and columns can be rearranged using drag-and-drop, making it easy to adapt to changing priorities.

Global Search

A search widget lets users navigate between tasks and boards quickly.

Multi-Language Support

The app supports four languages: English, Czech, Ukrainian, and Russian.


Subtle animations, powered by Framer Motion, make the app feel more dynamic and engaging.


This project was a valuable learning experience, and I’m proud of the results.